
What is Link Building in SEO? | Link Building in 2020

LINK BUILDING in SEO in 2020 Link Building is generally getting a link from a relevant popular website to get more organic   traffic on our site. It’s time to move link building from the dark ages into a consumer-first approach for 2020. That focusing on three types of journalistic writing:  Planned editorial:   Topics that are covered by journalists every single year at a given point (e.g., Black Friday, Valentine’s Day). Planned reactive editorial:  Features written by journalists on a topic that ties to a seasonal event or theme that we know is being  covered due to time frame,  but we don’t know the exact story until editors or journalists write it on the morning of their editorial  meeting.    Reactive editorial: Features written in the here and now that  are unplanned and can’t be predicted and are dictated due to a  news story breaking. Experts Advice : Carrie Rose(Co-founder / Creative Director, Rise at Seven) link building will be m

What is Technical SEO ?

Technical SEO is a key piece of the UX discussion. The biggest trend that smart SEO    professionals should focus on in 2020 for greater success is UX – user experience, according to Brock Murray, Co-founder, seoplus+. “This includes the overall experience from the initial interaction in the SERPs, to the overall landing page experience, and even the experience after they leave your site (think remarketing, drip campaigns, personalization for returning users),”           Experts Advice and thinking  Murray said.  “Think about how you can help your users have the best possible experience while truly pondering what value you can provide to them during their visit. ” “While I believe Google will do a lot to compensate for our site's own poor technical foundations (e.g., canonical corrections, hreflang corrections, etc.),  it's going to become increasingly more important for SEOs to focus on shoring up their technical foundations,” “While I believe Google wil

Top Learn Blogging Youtube Channels

This Following Top L earn blogging Youtube chanels  in Hindi Fully Helps You to get All knowledge about blogging.  1. Mr Vyas                                                                        Click here to go on channel.

What is EAT in SEO in 2022 ?| How EAT effect in SEO.

What is EAT in SEO in 2022? In 2020, Google will continue to look at the overall  reputation and E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) of a given company and the individuals who publish content on behalf of that company, said Lily Ray, SEO Director, Path Interactive. Expert Advice :  “Companies that struggle with a poor reputation, customer service issues or other trust issues will have a harder time competing,” Ray said. “These trust issues not only manifest themselves as reviews and feedback about your brand, but they also, take the form of technical or security issues on your site.” Trustworthiness will be super important for publishers in 2020, said Grace Kindred, Junior Technical SEO Analyst, News UK. “There will be a strong focus on quality content and fighting against fake news,” Kindred said. “It will be more important than ever to focus on the trust value of authors (verifying authors and showing their authority for particular subjects)

How to rank in SEO | follow this steps to ranks in SEO

So the question arise is How to rank in SEO It's not a very hard work for you follow some give strategy for Easily Rank in Search Engine. 1.Understand who your audience is and how they search. 2.Understand the intent behind the questions they are asking or problems they need to solve. 3.Give them solutions or answers in the formats they prefer via on-point, quality, and authoritative content. 4.Execute in this fashion for every stage of their journey to create a satisfactory topical experience that serves their needs again and again. 5.Iterate because just because you do it well once doesn’t mean intent won’t change or someone else won’t do something better.” “Know what answers the user needs next,” Levenson said. 5 “Boiled down: Links were (and continue to be) counted like vote. 6.Modern search engines today use a combination of AI, machine                                    My View  “I’d recommend auditing all of your content for overlapping rankings and m

What is Micro Niche ? | How to select Micro Niche | Micro Niche Scope in future.

 What is Micro Niche ?  Micro niche is an niche from a very big niche just like a small branch of a very big bank. Micro niche is in trend and very helpsfull for the people to easily get particular data. Micro niche is in trend since 2014-2015. It's spreeding very well in some comming years. So choosing a good micro niche is not a easy task. Scope of micro niche was not go down in upcoming few years. All over your growth should be depend directly or Indirectly on your Micro Niche Topic. Some few Steps always helps You To Get a good Micro niche : 1. Always Select a Micro Niche in which you can easily write or provide valuable knowledge. 2. Select a Micro Niche with less SEO difficulty for beginners. 3. Do at least one post daily for rank at least time. 4. You need approx 100+ posts to ranks good on Search Engine. 5. Use always simple Templates. Which reduces the system complexity and makes website user ecofriendly. 6. Always Select Vs | Which one is best for Beginners.

 If you are new in blogging then it's may be difficult to chose from Vs Lest first discuss defination of them then we talk about differences which help you to easily get idea about two this Vs : The one major difference between and is  who is a ctually hosting your website . 1. , This site provides you a free hosting you just need to buy a simple domain. All operations related to hosting should be automatically done by . 2. ,This site Provides you all plugins for free without any hide coasts. But you always need to buy a good hosting and domain. And you are the admin of website you can do anything you want. Profits And Losses of Vs Biggest profit of using is It's providing you are free hosting and manage the performance of your website.  In this you needed to Pay money fo