What is Link Building in SEO? | Link Building in 2020


Link Building is generally getting a link from a relevant popular website to get more organic 
 traffic on our site.

It’s time to move link building from the dark ages into a consumer-first approach for 2020.

That focusing on three types of journalistic writing:

 Planned editorial:  

Topics that are covered by journalists every single year at a given point (e.g., Black Friday, Valentine’s Day).

Planned reactive editorial: 

Features written by journalists on a topic that ties to a seasonal event or theme that we know is being 
covered due to time frame, 
but we don’t know the exact story until editors or journalists write it on the morning of their editorial 
Reactive editorial:

Features written in the here and now that 
are unplanned and can’t be predicted and are dictated due to a  news story breaking.

Experts Advice :

Carrie Rose(Co-founder / Creative Director, Rise at Seven)

link building will be more about brand building in 2020.

“The responsibility will fall on SEOs to build links and media placements that drive traffic and push brand, not just links that help with search rankings,” 

Rose said.
“Now our link building activity has to be on-brand, or there’s a realistic chance that there won’t be any brand-building activity at all.”

Building a brand people trust and want to do business with is 

Casie Gillette(Senior Director of Digital Marketing, KoMarketing)

“Customers are getting smarter and they expect more when it comes to marketing,” 

Gillette said:

“The more they trust you, the more they are willing to share your content (links), talk about you (value), and buy your products (revenue).”


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