What is Cyber Crime? | Its Classifications.


Cyber Crime :  

"A Crime in which a Computer was directly and Significantly instrumental" .

"Any illegal that targets the security of  computer system and the data proceed by them,Which is directed by any electronic operation,is called cybercrime".

The term "Cyber-Crime" has other names also such as :
  1. Internet Crime.
  2. E-Crime.
  3. High-tech Crime.
  4. Computer Related Crime Etc...   

Classification Of Cyber Crime:

(1).Crime Targeted Against Individuals: This Kind of Crime are Exploited because of human weakness like greed and naivety.Financial Frauds,Sale of non existent,child pornography,Copyright violation etc. are example of this crime. As the Internet is Developing Day by Day the Criminals are Exploring them with new tools that are expanded to a large number of victims.

(2).Crime Targeted Against Property: The Stealing of mobile phones is included in this Category.Cell phones,laptops,personal Digital Assistant(PDAs) and Removable medias(CDs and Pen drives); transmitting harmful programme that can disrupt function of the system and/or wipe out the data from hard disk etc.., are the example of this Type of Crime.

(3).Crime Targeted Against Organizations: The crime against the Government/Organization included Cyberterrorism.In this crime computer tools and Internet are used to terrorize the citizen of a country by stealing or hacking the private information and also to damage the programmes.

(4).Cyber Crime as a Single Event: In this crime single attack in performed on the victim's system e.g.., opening an attachment that may contain virus and infect the System.This Crime includes hacking and frauds.

(5).Cyber Crime as a Series of Event: In This Crime the attackers attack on Victims system Repeatedly.E.g.., Interacting with the people/victims.


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