
Showing posts with the label What is Keyword in SEO?

What is Data Base ?

Database :  Database system Is basically a Computer-based Record keeping system. The collection of data ,usually referred to as the database, contain information about one particular Enterprise. It maintains any information that may be necessary to the decision making process involved in the management of that organisation. A database may also be defined as the collection of interrelated data stored together to serve multiple applications. The intention of a database is that the same Collection of data should serve as many applications as possible. Hence, a database in often conceived of as the repository of information needed for running certain functions in corporations or an organisations. Such a database would Permit not only the retrieval of data but also the continuous modification of data needed for control of operation. It may be possible to search the database to obtain answer to queries or information for planning purpose. Database Purpose: A database management system is...

What Is IPv6 Address ?

 IPv6   IPv6 is a short form of Internet Protocol version 6. It was Designed by the IEFT to replace the current version internet protocol, IP version 4 (IPv4) It is also referred to as the next generation internet Protocol. IPv6 Support large Number of hierarchical addresses that will be allow the internet to grow and provide new routing capabilities not built into IPv4. Like IPv4, IPv6 associate an address with specific network connection, not with the specific computer. Thus address segment are similar to IPv4. IPv6 permits multiple prefixes to be assigned to a given network, and allow a computer to have multiple, Simultaneous Address per Network.   Fig: IPv6 Types Of IPv6 Address: There are Three Types of IPv6 Addresses, Which are as Follows:- (1). Unicast : The Destination address specific a single computer (Host or Router), The datagram should  be routed to the destination along a shortest path. (2). Anycast : The Destination is a set of computers possibly ...

What is TCP and UDP ? Its Differences.

 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) : TCP is a communication Protocol is an Standard way to define how to Establish and Maintain a Network Conversation through which applications or programs can exchange data. TCP work with IP(Internet Protocol),Which define how computer send packets of data to each other. TCP and IP are the basic rules defining the internet.   Fig: TCP Working Dig.                          UDP(User Datagrams Protocol): UDP Provide the primary mechanism that application programs used to you send datagrams to other application programs. UDP provide protocol ports Used to distinguish among multiple programs on a single machine. In UDP, in addition to the data sent, each UDP message contains both a destination port number and a source port number. Making it possible for the UDP software at the destination to delivery the message to the correct recipient and for the recipient to a send a reply. As ...

What is Keyword in SEO ? | How to select Keyword in SEO

What is Keywords in SEO? Generally Keywords are phrases under which you would want your website to be found in search engines. Keywords are typically two-to-five-word phrases you expect people to search for to find your website. Oftentimes, corporate climates force people to refer to things using special phrases. Keywords are not about what you call your stuff. Keywords are what Joe average surfer (or your prospective site visitors) may type in a search box. Some Steps For Finding Best Keywords: Focusing Keywords: When people tell you to target the word free, they are out of their minds. That single word is too general and has too much competition. I just did a search on Yahoo! for free and it returned 749,000,000 results. That is over 10% of the web trying to use free as a sales pitch. I am not saying that free should not be on your page; it is a compelling offer on many of mine. I am saying that keywords should define the product or idea. Free alone jus...