What is Data Base ?

Database : 

Database system Is basically a Computer-based Record keeping system. The collection of data ,usually referred to as the database, contain information about one particular Enterprise.

It maintains any information that may be necessary to the decision making process involved in the management of that organisation.

A database may also be defined as the collection of interrelated data stored together to serve multiple applications.

The intention of a database is that the same Collection of data should serve as many applications as possible. Hence, a database in often conceived of as the repository of information needed for running certain functions in corporations or an organisations.

Such a database would Permit not only the retrieval of data but also the continuous modification of data needed for control of operation. It may be possible to search the database to obtain answer to queries or information for planning purpose.

Database Purpose:

A database management system is answer to all these given problems at it provides a centralized control of data.

1.Additive system should be repository Off the data needed for an organisation data processing.
The data should be accurate private and protected from damage.

2.It should be organised so that diverse applications with different data requirements can employ the data.

3.Different application programs and different and usable have different view of the data which must be derived from a common overall data structure. 

4.Their method of accessing or searching the data will different.

5.The way in which end user want to utilise existing data will constantly change, And in some cases demands for new users of the data will rise rapidly and urgently.

6.The extent to which this demands can be satisfied determines the overall value of a database system.

Database Functions:

1. Reduce Data Redundancy: 

Data redundancy means duplications of data. Non database system maintain separate copy of data for each application.

But in database we reduce the the data redundancy which help to improve performance of the system or applications. Also reduce the size of the database.

2. Data Inconsistency:

When the redundancy is not controlled, there may be occasion on which the two entries about the same data do not agree. 

At such time Database is said to be inconsistent. Obviously an inconsistent database will provide incorrect or conflict information.

By controlling redundancy, the consistency is also controlled, even if there is some redundancy returned in the database due to some technical reason. 

Database management system ensure that any changes made to either of the two entries automatically made to the other This processes known propagating updates.

3. Sharing of Data:

Sharing of data means that endure piece of data in the database may be shared among several different users in the the sense that each of those users may have access to the the same piece of data and each of them may use it for different purpose.

A database management system makes sure that not only the existing application can share the data in the database But also that new applications can we Said that the data requirement of new applications baby satisfied without having to create any new stored files.

4. Database Enforce Standard :

The database management system can ensure that all the data follow the applicable standard. There may be certain standard lead by the company or organisation using the database.

5. Database Data Security : 

The information stored inside the database is sometimes of Great Value to a Corporation therefore must be kept secure and private.
Database management system Ensure data security and privacy by ensuring that the only means of access to the database is through the proper channel in also by carrying out authorization checks whenever exercise to sensitive data is attempted.

6. Database Integrity : 

By integrated database means we unification of several otherwise distinct data file, with any redundancy among those files partially or wholly eliminated.
When a database contains data employed by many different users it is important that the data items And associations between data items in not be destroyed.


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