What is EAT in SEO in 2022 ?| How EAT effect in SEO.

What is EAT in SEO in 2022?

In 2020, Google will continue to look at the overall  reputation and E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) of a given company and the individuals
who publish content on behalf of that company, said Lily Ray, SEO Director, Path Interactive.

Expert Advice : 

“Companies that struggle with a poor reputation, customer
service issues or other trust issues will have a harder time
competing,” Ray said. “These trust issues not only manifest
themselves as reviews and feedback about your brand, but they
also, take the form of technical or security issues on your site.”

Trustworthiness will be super important for publishers in 2020,
said Grace Kindred, Junior Technical SEO Analyst, News UK.

“There will be a strong focus on quality content and fighting
against fake news,” Kindred said. “It will be more important than
ever to focus on the trust value of authors (verifying authors
and showing their authority for particular subjects) and sites as
a whole.”

According to Loren Baker, Founder, Search Engine Journal, 

opening up nofollow as a hint was an attempt by Google to
better understand the sources of news stories, the sources, and
references in large papers and academic study.

Alexis Sanders, SEO Senior Manager, Merkle, shared a few ways to have a digitally-based competitive advantage:

1.Supply chain excellence (e.g., delivering within 2-days (or less) with relevant status updates).
2.Customer service (e.g., ability to answer the   user’s question with minimal friction).

3.Digital charisma / branding (e.g., Having users seek you out, because they want to do business with you? Do most of your reviews look more like love letters?).

4.User experience (e.g., is your experience more convenient / useful / simple?).

It's My view and Experts Advice related to EAT in 2020.


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