What is Phishing?
Phishing:- It is the most common form, is the process of luring a victim to a fake website by clicking on a link.The victim usually encounter the link in email message sent to him on a web page Bin browse by him. It's a methods Mostly Used by the hackers to Trap Peoples and get valuable Information From User Site's Or System. Its Many Types of Online Methods to Trap the People and get the Information they want and they use that information in many Purpose or Sold your Information too some one harm you or your data directly or Indirectly. Once the victim click on the link He/She may be induced to divulge sensitive information such as His credit card number or password. Phishing attempts often use URL's dad are very similar to the real URL. For example: Real URL maybe www.Truebank.com Fake URL maybe www.Trubank.com FIG : PHISHING Methods of Phishing: Three of the most popular methods fisher employee are as follows: (1). Impersonation :- Imper...
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