
What is Phishing?

 Phishing:-   It is the most common form, is the process of luring a victim to a fake website by clicking on a link.The victim usually encounter the link in email message sent to him on a web page Bin browse by him. It's a methods Mostly Used by the hackers to Trap Peoples and get valuable Information From User Site's Or System. Its Many Types of Online Methods to Trap the People and get the Information they want and they use that information in many Purpose or Sold your Information too some one harm you or your data directly or Indirectly. Once the victim click on the link He/She may be induced to divulge sensitive information such as His credit card number or password. Phishing attempts often use URL's dad are very similar to the real URL. For example: Real URL maybe  Fake URL maybe       FIG : PHISHING  Methods of Phishing: Three of the most popular methods fisher employee are as follows: (1). Impersonation :- Impersonation Is the most p

What is FACEBOOK Lite ?

FACEBOOK Lite is an Lite App of Facebook. Which was espacially Design or developed to easily useable on small mobile and where space have less space to install apps. Facebook Lite App Size Was 1.5Mb Approx. Which was very small and its Easily Able to install by anyone at Any Phone. Its Data Quality and Some special high level functions are not available in Facebook lite. But it contains all the basic features Facebook. Image and vedio quality are medium as compared to Facebook. Shared content has also so have Limited quality. Facebook lite design for small mobile Who cant able to install Facebook. Its Was very Popular in Facebook Apps. Over 1 Billion people Download this Which was very attractive.

What is FACEBOOK For in 2022

FACEBOOK : FACEBOOK is Generally a Social Public Interface Platform Where People Come To share their photos, and videos and do Some Live Streaming, and Comment on Others' Posts. FACEBOOK Used To Easily share Our feelings with the help of (photos, videos, live streaming)  with Family and Friends or the Public, and Comments on Other posts.                                              IMG:  Mark Zuckerberg(CEO)  FACEBOOK is also a vast world or We can Say It Was a Technical Or Social County its population was in crores and we get easily in touch with the people you want and it's very easy to find them. FACEBOOK User interface was One of the Best.Its Easy to Understand by Any People Even Many Uneducated people also use this to entertain themselves. FACEBOOK was also Used For Digital Or Social Marketing  due to its high volume of users. Many National and International Companies Come on FACEBOOK To Find their Customers. FACEBOOK Increases their Growth By Brought some Of the Grea

What is Cyber Crime? | Its Classifications.

  Cyber Crime :    "A Crime in which a Computer was directly and Significantly instrumental" . " Any illegal that targets the security of  computer system and the data proceed by them,Which is directed by any electronic operation,is called cybercrime ". The term "Cyber-Crime" has other names also such as : Internet Crime. E-Crime. High-tech Crime. Computer Related Crime Etc...    Classification Of Cyber Crime: (1).Crime Targeted Against Individuals:   This Kind of Crime are Exploited because of human weakness like greed and naivety.Financial Frauds,Sale of non existent,child pornography,Copyright violation etc. are example of this crime. As the Internet is Developing Day by Day the Criminals are Exploring them with new tools that are expanded to a large number of victims. (2).Crime Targeted Against Property:   The Stealing of mobile phones is included in this Category.Cell phones,laptops,personal Digital Assistant(PDAs) and Removable medias(CDs and Pen dri

What is (E-Mail or IP)Spoofing?

  Spoofing : The most  Common  Type of Spoofing that You are Likely to encourage is  IP  Or  E-Mail  Spoofing.  Primarily used to  Spoof   The Source  Address  of the E-Mail or IP of the Device. In this Case E-Mail is look Just Like E-Mail come from the Trusted Server or Website.But its come from the Wrong Or Harmful sites Which Directly or Indirectly Affect the Customer In Various Ways. It's Common In Now Days People Submitted Their Emails at many untrusted websites and We Don't know where they use our information.  E-Mail Marketing is also a very Big-market your E-mails also used for that purpose to send you some deals by them and many other uses.                                                                 fig:-  Example Of Spoofing E-Mail Spoofing used to :- (1) . Delivery   a  phishing  message (One that cons the user into divulging confidential information)  Replying to the E-mail won't work properly,but clicking on links in the E-mail will take the user to a spoo


Facebook Ads   are extremely versatile and there are now 11 different variations you can use to solve a whole host of business problems from driving traffic to your website to reaching people in your local area.  Below is a list of the various Ads available to Facebook advertisers and throughout this chapter, we’ll walk you through each type individually.              1. Boost your posts.              2. Promote your Page.               3. Send people to your website.               4. Increase conversions on your website.               5. Get installs of your app.               6. Increase engagement in your app.               7. Reach people near your business.              8. Raise attendance at your event.               9. Get people to claim your offer.             10.Get video views.              11.Collect leads for your business. HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR AD TYPE : When you go to create a new Facebook ad (by clicking the green button on your ads dashboard), you’ll get to choose among t

What is Keyword in SEO ? | How to select Keyword in SEO

What is Keywords in SEO? Generally Keywords are phrases under which you would want your website to be found in search engines. Keywords are typically two-to-five-word phrases you expect people to search for to find your website. Oftentimes, corporate climates force people to refer to things using special phrases. Keywords are not about what you call your stuff. Keywords are what Joe average surfer (or your prospective site visitors) may type in a search box. Some Steps For Finding Best Keywords: Focusing Keywords: When people tell you to target the word free, they are out of their minds. That single word is too general and has too much competition. I just did a search on Yahoo! for free and it returned 749,000,000 results. That is over 10% of the web trying to use free as a sales pitch. I am not saying that free should not be on your page; it is a compelling offer on many of mine. I am saying that keywords should define the product or idea. Free alone jus