Facebook Ads  are extremely versatile and there are now 11 different variations you can use to solve a whole host of business problems from driving traffic to your website to reaching people in your local area. 

Below is a list of the various Ads available to Facebook advertisers and throughout this chapter, we’ll walk you through each type individually.

             1. Boost your posts.
             2. Promote your Page. 
             3. Send people to your website. 
             4. Increase conversions on your website. 
             5. Get installs of your app. 
             6. Increase engagement in your app. 
             7. Reach people near your business.
             8. Raise attendance at your event. 
             9. Get people to claim your offer.
            10.Get video views. 
            11.Collect leads for your business.


When you go to create a new Facebook ad (by clicking the green button on your ads dashboard),

you’ll get to choose among these 11 different options, all of which with a unique focus for growing your business or your page. 

The general setup for each will be similar: You’ll go from choosing the type of ad (the objective), to choosing the audience and the budget (the ad set), to making the ad itself (the ad).

In the following  we'll share a quick run down of each of the 11 types :

1. BOOST YOUR POSTS : What’s involved: After you click to create a new ad and choose “Boost your posts,” 

The next steps are: 

1. Choose one of your Facebook Pages or enter its URL 

2. Select a previous update that you’ve published to your page (or create a new update)

3. Give this campaign a name.

At the next step, you can set your audience and budget. 

After setting audience and budget, you can move ahead into the ad creative. 

The good news with boosted post campaigns: The ad creative is already set for you! The creative is the post!

From this screen, you can change the post you’d like to boost, and (here’s the most hands-on part of this step) you can view how your boosted posts will look in three different locations within Facebook: 

1. Desktop News Feed.
2. Mobile News Feed Desktop right column. 
3. Within the Ad Preview, you can click to view each location:

Tip: You can also boost posts directly from your Facebook Page or Newsfeed. To do this simply click on the Boost post button displayed on any of your posts.


 What’s involved: After you click to create a new ad and choose “Promote your Page,”

The next steps are: 

1. Choose one of your Facebook Pages or enter its URL

2. Give this campaign a name At the next step, you can set your audience and budget.

After setting audience and budget, you get to set the creative elements of the ad: photo, text, and more. First off, you’ll be asked to select an image to use; you can choose to upload your own, select from a collection of searchable stock photos from Shutterstock, or pick from a library of images you’ve used on previous ads.

To easily create variations of your ad and test how different images perform, you can create up to 6 ads at once by uploading multiple images from this one screen. 
For choosing images. 

Facebook offers these guidelines:
1. 1,200 x 444 pixels (width and height)
2. Image ratio: 8:3 (basically, if you divide the width of your image by 8 and the height by        3, the result should be the same). 
3. Your image may not include more than 20% text. 

This last guideline is an interesting one! Up until a few weeks ago, this was a rule, rather than a guideline. Ads would be rejected if the image exceeded 20% text.

Facebook offers a tool to check the 20% text rule and see if your image meets the guideline.
Visit the tool and upload your image. 
Facebook adds a grid overlay to the image, and you can click any box that includes text. 
If the boxes you’ve selected make up less than 20% of the image, you’re good to go!

Additionally, you can upload a series of three to seven photos that Facebook will stitch together as a slideshow video. You can select the shape of the slideshow (square or rectangle), the length that the image stays visible, and the transition.(none or fade) from one image to the next.

And if you have a video that you’d prefer to use for the page promotion, you can add it here also. 
After selecting an image, slideshow, or video, you can customize the text that appears as the update above the ad. 

Click in the “Text” box to edit. You have an upper limit of 90 characters to use.

From the right-hand panel of the Ad Editor, you can preview your ad and select which locations you want it to appear. 

By default, Facebook will show the ad on the desktop News Feed, mobile News Feed, and the desktop right column. 
Click to remove any of these options. 

Under “Show Advanced Options,” there are three additional places to customize. 

1. Add a headline (this only appears in the desktop right column).

2. Choose where the visitor ends up should they click through to your page. 
    By default, people will arrive at your Timeline. 
    You can also select any other page that you have linked to from your Facebook            Page menu, like Video, Photos, Events, or custom pages. 

3. You can also track conversions. Conversion tracking with Facebook involves the installation of a conversion pixel, which I’ll cover in a section below.


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