What is FACEBOOK For in 2022


FACEBOOK is Generally a Social Public Interface Platform Where People Come To share their photos, and videos and do Some Live Streaming, and Comment on Others' Posts.

FACEBOOK Used To Easily share Our feelings with the help of (photos, videos, live streaming)  with Family and Friends or the Public, and Comments on Other posts. 

                                            IMG: Mark Zuckerberg(CEO) 

FACEBOOK is also a vast world or We can Say It Was a Technical Or Social County its population was in crores and we get easily in touch with the people you want and it's very easy to find them.

FACEBOOK User interface was One of the Best.Its Easy to Understand by Any People Even Many Uneducated people also use this to entertain themselves.

FACEBOOK was also Used For Digital Or Social Marketing due to its high volume of users. Many National and International Companies Come on FACEBOOK To Find their Customers.

FACEBOOK Increases their Growth By Brought some Of the Great APPs Just Like.          

  2. WHATSAPP.   
  5. GMAILS.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


                                  FIG: Lauch Years Of all  FACEBOOK APPs

FACEBOOK And Owned Apps Are Just like Making their own world and working well to do more.

The list of given fig shows all the data relates to that.

                                FIG: MOST DOWN. APPS B/W 2010-19

FACEBOOK is Generally Used For Sharing Personal feelings and information with people and do Comments on Public Information another purpose is an online business.

Main Features of Facebook:

Here are a few features that make Facebook unique and so popular:

    1. Customers Have full Control on their Privacy. Facebook only shows that information to others you want to share with Other.

    2. User-Friendly Privacy.

    3. Facebook allows you to maintain a friends list and choose privacy settings to set who can see content on your profile and Friend List of Yours.

    4. Facebook allows you to upload photos. Make Albums and maintain pictures of albums that can be shared with your friends.

  • 5. Facebook supports an interactive easy way of online chat and the ability to             comment on your friend's profile pages to keep in touch, share information       or say "hi."
  • 6. Facebook supports group pages, fan pages, and business pages that let businesses use Facebook as a Market. Which Helps Businessmen to get  Business From World Wide.
  • 7. Facebook's developer network always tries to deliver advanced functionality and monetization options to the FACEBOOK user.
  • 8. You can Do Live Streaming videos using Facebook Live and We are Also Able To share them with our TimeLine.
  • 9. Chat with Facebook friends and family members, or auto-display Facebook pictures with the Facebook Portal device.                                                   
  • 10. a Large Number Of People are available there and Easy To Find the People you know.


                                                               Fig: FB User Interface.


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