What is Sniffing ? Its Types.


It is the act of collecting packets from network collection using either a special application or aap piece of hardware called as sniffer.

A Sniffer takes a copy-of an display all of the traffic and network card sees.

When implemented correctly a sniffer is completely passive, having no effect on the traffic.

Except for the Fact that it takes processing time and memory, a sniffer Should have no effect on its host computer.

Ethereal,Ettercap, and Packetyzer are some popular sniffer that allow for traffic collection and Tcp stream reconstruction.

Traffic collection refers to the sniffers ability to receive a copy of network traffic.

Traffic analysis is the sniffer's ability to break out relevant fields from the captured packets.

 Fig : Packet Sniffing

PACKET Sniffing :- 

A General packet sniffer captures all packets And something as Diagnostic tools to help you examine and troubleshoot packet contents and connections.

Basically the attackers has modified the software of a general sniffer to capture specific kinds of traffic that will be useful for other types of attacks.

There are many free software versions of these types of Sniffers avilable. One of this are WireShark.

An attack sniffer,on the other hand, is a modified form of a general packets sniffer.

An attack Sniffer is only looking for certain Prince of packet, like the authentication information in telnet packets, or credit card information in HTTP Connections.


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