What is Seo(Search Engine Optimization)?

What is Seo (Search Engine Optimization)?       

It's very important for a blogger to know about what is seo? or How SEO effect our site traffic? 

Generally SEO is a process of getting and generating organic traffic and improve our site rank on search engine by using some specific keyword and Content. 

it's define your website overview and types of content you published on your website.

Various methods should be used to increase the organic traffic of your blog.

So, I think all your doubts related to what is seo was cleared.

Google always provides some hints or search engine conditions and algorithm. So therefore you always need to maintain it using seo techniques.

Easy Ways To Rank On Google:

1. Always chose a micro-niche in today's competition. It's helps you to get success easier.

2. Choose a topic in which you easily able to post a lots of quality content.

3. Choose a domain name which belongs to your micro-niche

4. Post daily basis with use some keywords relates to your tittle.

5. Keep posting blogs at least for 8 Months to get good traffic and money generate from them.

6. Site is easily rank with in few months if you continuously publishing your quality content.

7. Always read google policies and copyright privacy before take your content from other website.

It's not a very hard work to get a top level rank on Google you just need to only need to do is publish your own content.Which makes you more unique and also help visitor to get some unique content every time.Which help you to rank on Google easily.

Google and any other Search Engine generally wants some unique and knowledgeable content for their visitor which was possible only when they have some unique content to represent them.

Scope:  Every people in today world using internet for many purposes therefore there is a very huge scope in this field. Everyone wants to do something in this field start today before someone starts with your idea or talent. 

Which Tools is best for Blogging?

I suggest you my two favourite tools. Click on the given to know more about them.
             1. Blogger(Provided by GOOGLE) 
             2. WordPress

To star as a new blogger or website you   must need to know about these tools. This  tools helps you to improve your rank in search engine and helps to know learn about strategies of SEO.

                Top 10 SEO Tools 

It's My view related about what is seo or how SEO effect our rank on search Engine.


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