What is Blogger? Click Here to Know in Detail.

Blogger and WordPress both are tools of making website or blog .These tools are generally large numbers of users as compared to to other platforms.

What is Blogger?

The blogger is a a product of Google Which is free of use? You just need to buy a simple domain to start with blogger.com.

Blogger Provide you a free hosting with the trust of Google security you always feel you always feel secure about your data And your personal information about accounts and many more.

It's also provide Some free templates to  design your website or a blog. But there is no big issue. We install many types of templates using very simple steps.

Blogger is best for you if if you want to start your career as a blogger. Blogger always cares about your search engine and itself also helps you to get easily handle many issues related to website or blog.

Biggest benefit of using blogger is we can't need too much budget to start us a blogger.

If you want to make your career in blogging then this is the best option available for you.

Google care about everything you just need to Open a account and published your post to the public.

For open a account in blogger you just need to go on and sign up there and you easily able to do further steps.

Top Reasons to choose blogger:

1. Blogger is provided by the Google.
2. Hosting is free us compare to other  platforms.
3. Can't have any security or privacy. issues.
4. Google or Blogger always take cares about your blog or site.
5. Google always informs you when you have any error or issues related to SEO. 
6. It's little bit harder to modify your blog in blogger. Because it's hosting should be provided by the Google.
7. If you area biggner then this is best for you. It will teach you every think 
related to blog and seo. 
8. Google always give first priority to blogger in every case. It's very big plus point. 
9. Must need to buy a domain to easily rank your website on Google and search Engine.


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